From Elder Scott Docking
"Myself and Elder Watson"
Hobart Stake YSA
It's great to hear from all of you, it makes me feel loved to open up a letter and have many letters fall out onto the desk.
Things are going great here in New Zealand, there was a baptism a few weeks ago, in the ward I'm serving in. Hopefully there'll be another one in a couple of weeks.
I've served in 4 areas now and they are: Hamilton Glenview Stake, Paptoetoe Stake in South Auckland, Manurewa Stake in South Auckland, and the Tauranga Stake. I'm serving in a little town called Whakatane at the moment. Note: The WH in Whakatane is pronounced as an F.
Every day my companion and myself meet a lot of crazy people, and a lot of hot chicks I mean nice people. The mission is going really good, I'm learning heaps about the gospel that I didn't know, and things I never would've thought of. I've been blessed to see 2 apostles; Elder Cook & Elder Scott Docking I mean Elder Richard G. Scott.
Anyway stay strong in the faith. Fight the good fight.
Cheerio. Elder Scott Docking.
Alma 57:27
"Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually."