The afternoon following the dance a few valiant souls gathered at the Stake Centre for the service project. To remind us why we were all there in the first place, we began by hearing a few thoughts on service from Lego, after which we divided into our teams and selected our victims - I mean- interviewees. A few moments were taken to load up on questions to be asked, then with directions in hand, the various groups split up to interview these members of our stake: Ray Baldwin, Brian Townsend, Ian Oates, and Murry & Betty Docking.
Back at the Stake Centre each group shared what they learnt about their interviewees and each reported a very interesting and pleasant experience. Freddo frogs were awarded for the most random facts and funniest stories (so basically each group got a prize because our people were just too interesting!) and one person from each team volunteered to do a write-up for the Stake website, so watch that space! Thanks to all who found the energy to be there after a big night.