Tuesday, April 7, 2009

UPDATE- Stake Musical Fireside

Firstly this fireside, also known as the Gospel Enrichment Fireside, has been postponed until Sunday 24th May. Secondly, those participating in the fireside will be dressing up in old Jerusalem dress...yep, that means you! More details to come on that part...and it was not my choice! But I'm sure it'll be great.
Thank you to all those who have come along to practises so far. We will be having a practise this week after institute, and another one after the CES fireside on Sunday. We are singing "Jesus Was No Ordinary Man," it is sounding great and will shock and amaze the stake I'm sure! The numbers we had at the last practise were great, hopefully all of you can still come on the night! Any questions let me know, tassiemazzy@gmail. Thanks again!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April Activity - ANZAC multi-stake overnight camp

Ooh the suspense! You've probably been wondering what's happening for April, and now we can tell you! We will be having the second annual ANZAC Day overnight camp! And it's officially multi-stake too! It will be held at the world's greatest camping spot - Glen Huon. On Bishop Watson's land, if you know where that is...I don't yet...but I will! And so will you!
It will be held from 6pm Friday 24th until 10.30pm Saturday 25th. For full details contact your ward or stake reps, there is a registration form that will need to be completed and returned by Tues 14th April. Events include a testimony meeting, ANZAC Day dawn service @huonville, service activities and a dance. The theme of the dance is the World War I era, so start op-shopping for your costume now! Cost of the camp is $20 for full time (for food).
There will also be a fireside by the Hobart Stake Presidency the following Sunday 26th, 7pm at the Hobart Stake Centre. Hope you can all make it, and don't forget to register!