Sunday, July 26, 2009

Foreign Correspondance

From Elder Scott Docking

"Myself and Elder Watson"

Hobart Stake YSA

It's great to hear from all of you, it makes me feel loved to open up a letter and have many letters fall out onto the desk.

Things are going great here in New Zealand, there was a baptism a few weeks ago, in the ward I'm serving in. Hopefully there'll be another one in a couple of weeks.

I've served in 4 areas now and they are: Hamilton Glenview Stake, Paptoetoe Stake in South Auckland, Manurewa Stake in South Auckland, and the Tauranga Stake. I'm serving in a little town called Whakatane at the moment. Note: The WH in Whakatane is pronounced as an F.

Every day my companion and myself meet a lot of crazy people, and a lot of hot chicks I mean nice people. The mission is going really good, I'm learning heaps about the gospel that I didn't know, and things I never would've thought of. I've been blessed to see 2 apostles; Elder Cook & Elder Scott Docking I mean Elder Richard G. Scott.

Anyway stay strong in the faith. Fight the good fight.

Cheerio. Elder Scott Docking.

Alma 57:27

"Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually."

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Burning a shirt at 1 year"

"Having some fun"

"Having some more fun"